I am
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 251
Let me introduce myself.
My name is not “I was.”
My name is not “I will be.”
So now I had a blank canvas. I laid down the groundwork, and then hung the planets and stars upon the laws of gravitation & momentum. I gave the whole thing a push and it started running. By Me, all things are held together. You scientists have finally noticed that everything is slowing down fractionally every year. Rest assured that, when it all finally stops, I AM.
When I created you, I breathed the essence of myself into you. You are made in My image. This means you have the power of choice. You can choose to be aware of Me, or not, every single day.
You quantum physicists suppose that the universe is a series of choices and that every choice leads to a new universe of choices. The real truth is that every choice you make in your lives is a step towards me, or a step away from me. With every choice, you have another chance to choose Me. I have deliberately made you weak, from dust, because in your weakness, My strength is made perfect. This is another of the ways I encourage you to find Me in every situation.
When you accept my blood sacrifice and add it to your weakness, you are transformed. This is the critical choice upon which all the others hang.
I was with you this morning when you got out of bed. Did you notice me? I notice you, every detail, every minute of every hour of every single day. I am with you always.
Why do I notice you? Because I made you. I love you. I talk to you all day every day. Do you hear me talking to you? Listen for my voice. It has many different forms. I have given you the minds of brilliant detectives; use them to discern what I am saying to you every day.
Everyone you meet today is someone I created; the lovely and the unlovely, the brilliant, the successful, the star athlete. The lost, the dirty, the crabby, the malicious; I died for all of them and I love them all. You should love them all, because when you do, you are loving me. If you listen closely to the words they speak you will find that they are all asking you for help. Underneath it all, the anger, the mischief, the attention-getting-ploys, they are asking you how to find Me. Are you up to the challenge?
Of course you are, for you are here to show them facets of me. Underneath Mathematics, Science, Poetry, Music, Art, Writing, History, Communication, Physical abilities and so many other wonderful and varied things, I AM.
Do not let the complex nature of the world distract you from Me. It is really very simple. I will give you perfect peace, if you keep your mind on me. If you can ignore the apparent realities of the situation pressing you, and keep your mind on me, you will be able to get out of the boat and walk on the water to me without sinking. But, if you start to sink a little, I will save you, because I AM.
I do not measure success by how many things you can accomplish in an hour. When I speak to you in hidden ways, and you discern and hear Me, THAT is success. When you lean on Me for help with those difficult things I’ve asked you to do, THAT is success.
I like it when you’re confident in Me to do something you do well. I like it even more when you’re confident in Me to do something you’ve never done before, because you know I will show you how.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do you know what it means to fear me? It does not mean that I want you to hide in the corner trembling, waiting for me to hurl lightning bolts. Though I certainly have the power to inspire that kind of fear, it is not my style. When you walk with me daily and we become close, you will find that there are certain things you don’t do anymore, because you know they will hurt me. THAT is the fear of the Lord.
Be a Moon
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 246
As Christians, we are to reflect the light of truth to the world. Think of it as being a moon. We should position ourselves in the best place to reflect the light of the Father into the lives around us. Ideally, when people see us, they will see the reflected light of the Father and be drawn to Him.
We become better moons by spending more time in His word. We can reflect His light better when there is more of Him and less of us.
Fear not, For I am with you
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 238
Paul the apostle was an interesting man. His early life was devoted to the study of the old testament. At some level, he wanted to please God. Caught up in the religious spirit of the jews, he hotly pursued Christians. He had been given authority to jail them as heretics.
Jesus decided Paul's time had come and blinded him, knocking him off his donkey. I'm sure once Paul realized who was talking to him the fear began. Here he had been imprisoning and killing Christians for believing Jesus was the messiah.
Later in his life he was shipwrecked on an island where something happened that was the perfect example of the way we should react to threatening situations. He was adding a bundle of wood to a fire when a snake came out of the bundle and bit into his arm and hung on. What did Paul do? Did he panic and run in circles screaming that he had just been bitten by a poisonous snake? No. He shook it off into the fire and went about his business.
I'm sure the bite hurt, but he knew the Living God and trusted Him in a situation that would normally spell big trouble. Many fearful people would be saying, "great, not only am I shipwrecked, now I've been bitten by a snake!"
Three All Important "Alls"
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1930
I find that there are 3 scriptures with the word "all" that strike me.
ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
It is not His will that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. 2 Pet 3:9
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and ALL these things shalll be added unto you. Matt 6:38
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